During out initial planning stages for the trip we always had in mind that we would either work in Australia or New Zealand, with New Zealand being first preference for both Donna and myself.
As you are probably all probably more than aware of, the global economy is in a bit of a poor state. We’ve been hearing reports left, right and centre that backpackers in Australia and New Zealand are finding it difficult to find work at the minute. The main reason for this being that jobs which were usually reserved for backpackers are now being taken (rightfully so) by locals.
Donna recently visited a overseas work fair in Belfast and came back with the suggestion of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) in Thailand. She sounded pretty sold on the fact that we could teach for 1 term in Thailand. USIT are offering a *deal* in which you pay £1000 and they provide you with TEFL training and qualifications and guaranteed accommodation and job with wages of at least 15,000 baht (£280 approx). I have to admit that I was less than sold on the idea, mainly due to the fact of the initial £1000 outlay and the fact that we don’t really seem to have any say in where we are placed or what type of school we are placed in. From browsing Thorn Tree forums I also discovered that 15,000 baht would be difficult to live on.
TEFL was something that I had never thought of or considered for this trip, even though I think that its something I would enjoy. Admittedly its taking some time getting my head around the idea that we have the option of doing this instead of working in Australia or New Zealand.
I don’t like the risk of paying out a large lump sum and placing our fate in someone elses hands as to where we are placed. I much prefer to do the TEFL course and then find a job ourselves. From browsing through the Thorn Tree forums I discovered that Cambodia have 6-8 week school terms and offer a rate of pay that would would allow us to live and possibly save a little too. This obviously would be the better, more flexible option.
I’m also slightly concerned that spending such a long time in such a different culture could prove difficult.
Decisions decisions. We’ll have to sort something out soon though.