Its been a tough month since Donna and I are taking part in the so-called “Shoestring September” we are only allowed to get by on £10 per week (excluding Diesel money) . Getting by on a budget like this during the week is fine but when it comes to the weekend, its no fun at all. This is especially true when you know all you mates are going out and you’ve opted to sit in.
I keep trying to tell myself that it’ll be worth it when I’m off round the world enjoying myself but in the mean time its just shite. Sometimes you need to socialise and have a few drinks to unwind from a hectic week at work. It’s now been 3 weeks since I was last out in a bar and I really could do with a pint.
Looking forward to the first weekend in October so I can enjoy a night out without worrying about a budget (even though I really should be). From now on I will have to settle for one good night out each month to get me through until we depart. It will all be worth it in the end.
In the meantime I’ve been amusing myself with other peoples travel blogs. One in particular that I stumbled upon with thank to Lonely Planets Thorn Tree forums was “Crusoe’s Diary“. Crusoe travelled around SE Asia for 6 weeks during the summer and from the sound of it he had a ball! It is all well chronicled in his blog. He has a humorous writing style and certainly had some entertaining stories to write about. I really like the way that he seemed to wing it most of the time, took a few chances and generally went with the flow. He also seemed to be on a budget like we will be so it was interesting to read how he managed to get by on a shoestring. Entertaining reading and well worth a look if you are planning on doing some travelling in SE Asia, or even if you just suffer from wanderlust.
Inspired by Crusoe’s blog I am wanting to learn a little but more about places to visit in SE Asia and am planning on purchasing a few Lonely Planet or Rough Guide books when I next get paid.